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Monday 5 November 2007

Pasta Sfoglia Ripiena (Stuffed puff pastry)

2 pre-rolled puff pastry sheets
1 Kg ground seasoned Italian sausage
olive oil
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 cup ground Provola (or gouda cheese)
1 cup ragout sauce (your own recipe)
salt and pepper

Pre-heat the to degrees Celsius.
Golden the onion in olive oil and stir fry with the sausage, adjusting with salt and pepper.
Add ragout sauce, let the mix thicken, cool down and set aside.
Unroll the lower layer of pastry out on a baking tray (usually pastry comes interleaved with plastic, which I leave on as baking sheet.)*
Spread ground sausage mixture on pastry to form a flat rectangle, then sprinkle the ground provola cheese on top, leaving some room for the folding edges of pastry.
Unroll the upper layer of pastry and place on top of the ground sausage mixture.
Trim and seal edges carefully.
Bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes.
Let it cool and cut in large squared portions. Best served warm

* Beware that puff pastry needs to be kept refrigerated and unrolled chilled. By doing so, you will prevent excessive softening of the texture.


  1. Who ARE you? I don't see a blogger profile anywhere on your site . . . please provide info.

  2. No profile Maryellen, yet. I am just a person who is passionate about Sicily and loves nothing better than putting down into writing the colours and tastes that one experiences in this land.
